In previous articles i have given different examples of complex sql queries. In this article i will give you SQL Query Questions and Answers for practice which includes the complex sql queries for interviews also. I want to give you different SQL Query Questions for practice which are not only simple but also complex. All these SQL Questions for Practice are very useful.
Let us consider table named Employee and with using this table write different SQL Queries
Query 1 : List the employee whose employee number is 100.
Simple where clause is used to write this query,
Select * from Employee where employee_Num=100;
Query 2 : List the Employee whose salary is between 50 K to 1 Lac.
Here user needs to use between..and operator or where clause less than and greater than operator,
Solution 1 : Using Between..and operator
Select * from Employee where salary between 50000 and 100000;
Solution 2 : Using operators (Greater than and less than)
Select * from Employee where salary >= 50000 and salary <= 100000;
Query 3 : List the Employees whose name starts with ‘Ami’.
Answer :
We need to use like operator to achieve this,
Select * from Employees where name like ‘Ami%’;
Query 4 : List the Employees whose name starts with A and surname starts with S.
Answer :
We need to use like operator to achieve this,
Select * from Employees where name like ‘A%’ and surname like ‘S%’;
Query 5 : List the Employees whos surname contains kar word.
Answer :
We need to use like operator to achieve this,
Select * from Employees where surname like ‘%kar%’;
Query 6: List the Employees whose name starts with P,B,R characters.
Select * from Employees where name like ‘[PBR]%’;
Query 7: List the Employees whose name not starts with P,B,R characters.
We can achieve this using two queries,
Solution 1 : Using Not operator symbol
Select * from Employees where name like ‘[!PBR]%’;
Solution 2 : Using Not Operator
Select * from Employees where name not like ‘[PBR]%’;
Query 8 : What is query to fetch first record from Employee table?
Answer :
We can achieve this using rownum concept of SQL,
Select * from Employees where rownum=1;
Query 9: What is query to fetch last record from Employees table?
Answer :
We can achieve this using rowid and max function together,
Select * from Employees where rowid = select max(rowid) from Employee;
Query 10 : How to find 2nd highest salary of Employees using Self join?
Select * from Employees a where 2 = select count (distinct salary) from Employee where a.salary <= b.salary;
Query 11 : What is query to display odd rows from the Employees table?
We can achieve this using Mod function,
Select * from(Select rownum as rno,E.* from Employees E) where Mod(rno,2)=1;
Query 11 : What is query to display even rows from the Employees table?
We can achieve this using Mod function,
Select * from(Select rownum as rno,E.* from Employees) where Mod(rno,2)=0;
Query 12 : Find Query to get information of Employee where Employee is not assigned to the department
We can achieve this using not in operator,
Select * from Employees where Dept_no Not in(Select Department_no from Employee);
Query 13 : How to Show the Max salary and min salary together from Employees table?
Select max (salary) from Employees
Select min (salary) from Employees;
Query 14 : How to get distinct records from the Employees table without using distinct keyword.
Select * from Employees a where rowid = (select max(rowid) from Employees b where a.Employee_no=b.Employee_no);

Query 15 :How to fetch all the records from Employee whose joining year is 2018?
select * from Employees where To_char(Joining_date,’YYYY’)=’2018′;
select * from Employees where substr(convert(varchar,Joining_date,103),7,4)=’2018′;
Query 16 : How to display following using query?
We cannot use dual table to display output given above. To display output use any table. I am using Employees table.
SELECT lpad (‘*’, ROWNUM,’*’) FROM Employees WHERE ROWNUM <4;
Query 17: What is SQL Query to find maximum salary of each department?
To achieve this we need to use max function with group by clause,
Select Dept_id,max(salary) from Employees group by Dept_id;
Query 18:How Do you find all Employees with its managers?(Consider there is manager id also in Employee table)
We can achieve this using self join of Employees table,
Select e.employee_name,m.employee name from Employees e,Employees m where e.Employee_id=m.Manager_id;
Query 19 : Display 3 to 7 records from Employee table.
Select * from (Select rownum as ‘No_of_Row’, E.* from Employee E)
Where No_of_Row between 3 and 7;
Query 20 : How to fetch common records from two different tables Employees and Employees1 which has not any joining condition.
To achieve this we need to use intersect operator,
Select * from Employees
Select * from Employees1 ;
Query 21 : Write a query to validate Email of Employee.
Answer :
To achieve this user needs to use Regular Expression function,
where NOT REGEXP_LIKE(Email, ‘[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}’, ‘i’);
Query 22 : How to remove duplicate rows from Employees table.
Answer :
Tip: Use concept of max (rowid) of table. Click here to get concept of rowid.
Select Employee_No FROM Employees WHERE ROWID <>
(Select max (rowid) from Employees b where Employee_No =b.Employee_No);
These are above some most important SQL Query Questions and Answers for Practice. Hope you like this article on SQL Query Questions and Answers for Practice. If you like the article on SQL Query Questions and Answers for Practice kindly comment in to comment section.
Hai bro this is raju.i want sql,plsql query’s and you have please send me.thank you
Hey Raju,
Kindly check your inbox.
Amit S
send me some view related questions and other complex queries
Thanks Anup for comments.I have sent you the interview questions on your mail id.
Hi can you please send me sql and plsql interview question as well.
sure bhanvi!
can u please send me sql interview questions to mail.
Sure Abhil..Kindly check your mail
Hi Amit,
I am visiting your site multiple times, can you please share me the pdf/doc related to more complex SQL queries on Joins, Multiple Joins, Union, Union all, Intersect, Substr, Instr, Ltrim, Rtrim and views related questions. Thanks in advance.
Sure Avinash!! I will send you information on Email id provided!!!
Hi Amit,
Hope you are doing good !!
Would it be possible for you share SQL dump so that i can insert data and start practicing the questions and also can you please complex SQL queries on Joins, Multiple Joins, Union, Union all, Intersect, Substr, Instr, Ltrim, Rtrim and views related questions and interview questions for experienced positions.
great work mate, much appreciated. keep doing such blogs. how can i follow all your blogs related to SQl & other technologies like Selenium.
Thanks for appreciating blog!! I do not have SQL dumps but i sent you SQL Interview questions on your mail id!!
Hi Amit,
I like the way u updated the site regarding queries, could you please share me the pdf related to simple and more complex SQL queries on Joins, Multiple Joins, Union, Union all, Intersect, Substr, Instr, Ltrim, Rtrim and views related questions.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks Saritha for good words!!!
I sent you the SQL interview questions on respective mail id!!
Sql question more needed
Hi Amit,
can u please send pl/sql related questions to my mail mail id is
Hi Surya,
I have sent you PDF of SQL interview questions on respective mail id.
Hi Amit,
Thanks for uploading imp questions on SQL query.
I request you to please share me related question on multiple joins,inner join full join and also interview related questiion on my personal mail
This is my humble and kind request to you.
Thanks in advance.
Sure Saif .I will share
Hi Amit,
Can you please send me the sql & pl/sql related query’s and answers to my mail id.
My mail id is
Kindy check your mailbox Rajesh for questions
plz share me the lab model queries with answers and also interview questions pdf mail….
Sure Mahesh.
Kindly check your inbox.
Hii Amit
Please send me questions on joins,indexes, functions like substr, substring, aggregate functions,set operators and comparison operators,views,grant revoke, transaction command’s ddl and dml commands,clauses like where,group by, having,order by
Thanks Ankita for lovely comments…Kindly check the mail id for More SQL Related interview questions.
Hi Amit,
Thanks for writing these SQL queries, they are very helpful. I have a request. Could you please share with me queries on Joins – inner, self, outer, right, left joins and on Sub-queries. Please.
Thanks Seema for lovely comments…Kindly check the mail id for More SQL Related interview questions.
Hi Amit,
Thanks for the PDF on interview questions. But I want Sql queries with answers on Joins and SubQueries. Could you please share me that. This will be very helpful. Thanks
Hello Seema,
Thanks for your comments. You can refeer following links for the questions related to joins and subqueries:
Joins :
Subqueries :
Hope this helps !!
Amit S
can you please send details on
Sure Rajesh….:)
Hi… Amit
Your Question related to SQL very helpful for me. That’s a grate good job bro..
Can have you send me the some SQL Query Question in my mail id.
Thanks Deepak for your lovely comments.I will send you Queries on your mail id.
Hi Amit,
Could you please share with me more interview questions on SQL and PL/SQL
Ravi Ranjan
Sure Ravi…I sent you the questions on respective mail id.
Hi Amit,
Can you please send me the sql & pl/sql related query’s and answers to my mail id.
My mail id is
Hi Yogita,
Sure ..I will send toy the SQL interview questions..
send me some more complex Query
Sent you interview questions..
Can you please send me sql and plsql interview complex queries with answers
Hi Madhuri,
Sent interview questions on your id!!
Amit S
Could you please send me complex SQL and plsql queries with mailid
Hi Jayakumar,
Sent you interview questions on your mail id.
Amit s
Awesome , can you please share some more complex queries for data science to my mail email id:
Thanks Shibi.I have sent you more SQL Query Questions and Answers for Practice for your reference.
Thanks for this article. Please share me all the important interview questions and answers .
Sure Raghavendra!!! I will share you important SQL Query Questions and Answers for Practice for your reference.
i need more question on joins , where clause ,set operators and comparison operators,views,grant revoke, transaction command’s ddl and dml commands,clauses like where,group by, having,order by
Hello Anand,
Kindly check following interview questions :
Amit S
Thanks for this queries
can you please send me sql and pl/sql related interview queries to my mail :
I sent you interview questions on your mail id..Kindly check!!
I need questions to JOIN more than two tables to fetch data.
Hi Shubham,
Check this :
Amit S
Hi. Can you please provide me with some interview SQL Questions based on the topics :
Join and group by in one query; group by on two variables; sub query, join (left, inner, outer, right) and group by in one script; windows function such as partition and rank; use Case statements, use update query, append query, partition function, dense rank.
Sure!!! Kirti!!! I will send you all kind of interview questions
can you please send me sql server related interview queries to my mail :
thank you
Sure Kush!!! I will send you interview questions !!
Hi Amit, Could you please share the interview question with me on email id:
Thanks in advance
Sure Mini!! Sent you interview questions on your mail id!!
HI Amit,
Can you send sql/plsql interview questions. mail id :-
Sure..Check your inbox!!!
Kindly send good joins questions and basics of PLSQL..i will be grateful to you…
Sure Gaurav! I have sent you questions gaurav!!
Hi Amit,
Can You send some interesting select statement queries , joins, views, store procedure, constraints, operators and cte queries. Maximum i need all kind of SQL Server Queries.
And this is my mail id:
Sure Suganesh!!! I have sent you questions…
Hi Amit,
Thank you for posting this. Can you please send me interview questions as well for SQL? My email id is Thanks
Hello sanjeev,
I have sent you SQL Query Questions and answers for practice in your email id.
Amit S
Can you plz send me the oracle sql question with answer for practice… Thanks
Sure…Check your Inbox..
Hello Amit,
Can you please send me the SQL interview questions. It would be great if could share SQL query related questions as well. Thanking you in advance.
Sure..Check your mail..I sent you SQL Query Questions and Answers for Practice on your id.
Hi Amit,
Thanks for sharing the above. Can you please also mail me interview questions and answers for SQL? My email id is Thanks
sent you interview questions on your mail id..
hi amit can u pls share some IQ questions for sql related gonna attend interview on cts tomorow
share me some documents to this mail id:
thanks in advance
Sure Harish..Check your inbox.
Thank you for posting this. Can you please interview questions for SQL to my email ID? Thank you!
Hello Amit,
Thanks for the above queries. Can you email me some SQL beginner level and advanced level queries, please? email id:
Hello Prakash,
I sent you interview questions on your mail id.
Amit S
Good job! Can you please send me SQL interview questions, especially complex and advanced to ?
Sure Shree!!1
I sent you SQL interview questions on your mail id.
please send me sql interview questions to mailid.
Sure Leela.
Kindly check inbox.
Hi bro,
This is Ravi.
I want sql,plsql query’s and answers with their tables for practice
Please send me.
Thank you in advance
Sure ravi..Kindly check your inbox…
hey , ur blog is very nice. can u please share me some more queries on Joins as i m a beginner and preparing for SQL interviews.
Shared you interview questions
Hi Amit,
Could you please send me some PL/SQL and SQL interview questions on my email –
Thanks in advance.
I sent you more interview questions..Kindly check your inbox..
Thanks for the above queries. Can you email me some SQL beginner level and advanced level queries, please?
email id:
Sure sagar..Kindly check your inbox…
Hi Amit,
Great work Amit.
I want Sql queries with answers on Joins and SubQueries. Could you please share me that.
This will be very helpful. Thanks
Sure Rohit ..Kindly check your mail for SQL Queries on Joins…
Can you send SQL interview question to
I have sent mail of SQL interview questions on your mail id.. Kindly check and confirm!!
Thanks for publishing this! Can you email me some SQL beginner level and advanced level queries and tables to practice, please?
Sure Dawn..Check your mailbox
Plz send me questions on sub queries and joins
Sure Manaswi..:)
Hai, this is very useful queries, can you please give some more queries on joins, sub queries and date related queries…..
Sure Manaswi
This article is very helpful. Can you please share more questions related to operators like group by, sets, order by, joins, subqueries and window functions i..e complex ones to
Hi Amit,
First of all i want to appreciate you because the way you are helping others is very much helpful to their career growth.
Can you email me complex SQL queries of all topics from beginner level and advanced level , please?
Email id:
Thanks for your appreciation
Hello Amit,
Thanks for helping us.
Could you please send me SQL questions for joins, views, subqueries, CTE, Rank, dense rank, aggregations.
I want some scenario based questions for good practice.
Thanks for good words Lavesh
Can you kindly provide complex sql question with answer and also provide SQL beginner level and advanced level queries and tables to practice.
Hi Malcom ,
I sent you SQL Query Questions and Answers for Practice. Kindly check it.
Regards and thanks,
Amit Shiravadekar
Hi Amit,
plz send me sql,pl/sql question and answers.
Sure Ramana..Check your inbox.
hi sir
can u please share some query related question both sql and plsql
Sure Harish..Check your inbox.
Good job and thank you very much Amit! Can you please send me SQL interview questions, especially complex and advanced to ?
Thanks kiran for good words..Kindly check your inbox.
Please share complex queries and joins multiple joins and all of that complex interview questions
Sure Sana
Kindly check your inbox 
Hi sir, can I know more sql queries which are frequently asked in interviews and complex queries
Sure Sudha..I sent you interview questions.
Hello Amit, can you please send some complex join related questions on the given email id for practice purpose with some example?
Sure Ketaki
I sent you interview questions for practice 
Sir,i want real live e commerce interview questions for the data ananlyst profile.can you help me i am fresher
Sure..Sent you mail
Hi Amit, can you send me advanced SQL queries and solutions to prepare for mid-level SQL developer hands-on interviews.
sure Lorenz
Sent you interview questions 
Hi Amit,
Would you send me some interview questions on sub queries, joins,group by,having, limit ans also time and date types such as sql query to fetch recently added records etc,.
Sure Sruti.. I sent you links on your mail id
Hi Amit S,
Thank you.
You providing this SQL quries
Could you plese send most interview SQL quries and all DDL ,DCL and DML commnds in pdf type.
Sure Narasingha kindly check your inbox for the same
Hi Sir
Can you send me some Complex SQL interview query question to my email id
Sure Swapnajit. I sent you interview questions
hi sir can u send most complicated joins subqueries like documents
Sure Suresh
still i didnt get any can u pls send documents like joins and subquery related quetsions and solved answers.
Sure Mani.
Kindly check your inbox.
Hi Amit,
Can you send me the sql interview questions to my mail id ?
sure . Nbalaji..Sending you SQL interview questions
Hi Amit,
Very nice details about SQL interview questions, which may look easy to answer but need little efforts to derive accurate query. This gives really good thought process on how to think formatting queries to such questions. Really useful brother!! Could you share more similar and more complex interview questions on sql queries (related to SQL joins and other topics) on my email?
Also, for question no.14 above, little doubt how outer table a will be accessible in the inner query as it will be executed first? May be i am missing something, so want to clarify.
Thanks in advance!!
You are correct chintan about 14th question. For any clarification you can write on
I sent you more complex sql queries link
Great…thank you!!
Most Welcome Chintan.
Thank you, could you please send all the queries to me i am in dire need of practice, please.
Sure Sunil.
I sent you interview questions.
Hi Amit,
I really liked the interview questions on queries, for which my wife is currently searching for. This material will really help her a lot for her preparation. Could you please share more Oracle SQL interview questions for her to prepare more.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks Vinayak for your nice words send you interview question
Amit, Appreciate your great work and patience. Could you please send me complex SQL and plsql queries with mailid rajesh_k987@YAHOO.COM
Sure Rajesh..Kindly check your inbox
Hi Amit ,
Can you please send me more complex sql queries with relevant solutions.
Thanks in Advance
sure Sahithi..I sent you on your mail id
Could you please share the Sql, plsql complex scenario question.
Thanks in advance.
Sure Gowtham,
I will send you SQL Query questions and answers for practice.
thanks for the questions could you please share more complex queries with solutions
Jasmine- I have sent you interview questions on your mail id.
Hi Amit,
Thanks for the questions for practising . Its really helpfull. will u send me the complex and different queries on different topics on my email id please…..
Please send more complex queries to my I’d
I sent you more complex sql queries on your mail id.
Hi ..this is really helpful. Can you send me questions and answers PDF to ? Also what is the schema and table structure that you are using for these questions. ?
sure ..check inbox
hai amit,
can u please send me all the sql,plsql qureies to my mailid
sure Subbu.
Kindly check your inbox for the same.
Hi Amit,
Thanks for the questions for practicing . Its really helpful. will u send me the complex and different queries on different topics on my email id please…..
Sure Divya. Kindly check your inbox for more complex and different query questions.
can you plz send the interview questions of sql complex queries, sub queries , joins(inner,left,right,full outer).
here is my email id
Sure Sirisha.. Please check your inbox
Hi Amit,
Can you send interview questions of sql complex queries, sub queries , joins(inner,left,right,full outer) to this email
Rajesh K
sure Rajesh I will share you different queries.
Hi Amit,
Thanks for sql questions, please share inner queries /sub queries, Joins and more common SQL interview problems to my email
Thanks In Advance.
Rajesh K
sure Raj!
Hi Amit
First of all so much thanku for the provided above queries for practice.
Can you please share some more questions (focus more on different joins) for practice on my mentioned email id , It will be very helpful.
Thanks vishesh for good words.. Sent you interview questions.
Can you kindly provide complex sql question with answer and also provide SQL beginner level and advanced level queries and tables to practice.
my gmail id :
Sure Ravinder…
Hi Amit,
Nice blog and very good information.
Thanks a lot
Can you please share me few more complex sql queries so that it helps me a lot.
Thanks for good words Narayana
Hi Amit, My name is Shiv. I just download sql. I am trying to do some practice here but I need a database for this practice. can you please send me link to get database for practice .
You will get trial version on oracle or microsoft site
Hi amit,
Thanks for the above help. Is there anyway you could email me the list of complex tables, query questions and answers to my email id
Thank you very much for this help
Hello Charan,
Sure Charan. I will share information with you.
Regards and thanks,
Amit Shiravadekar
Hi Amit,
Can you provide me SQL topicwise all sql solved queries for practise?
Or pdf which have number of solved queries?
Sure Tejas..check your inbox!
Hi Amit,
Thanks for uploading imp questions on SQL query.
I request you to please share me related question on ,inner join, outer join and ( insert into, update, delete) and aggregates functions, range on my personal mail id:
This is my humble and kind request to you.
Thanks in advance.
Sure Hira…
Joins Interview Questions :
Like this page on Facebook for More Updates :
Regards and thanks,
Amit Shiravadekar
Please provide sql queries with explanation.
Kindly check your inbox.
Hi Amit,
can you please share me the pdf/doc related to more complex and simple SQL queries on Joins, Multiple Joins, Union, Union all, Intersect and views,sub queries, keys and command related questions. Thanks in advance.
Yes Sowmya…
Joins Interview Questions :
Like this page on Facebook for More Updates :
Regards and thanks,
Amit S
Can you send me sql queries based on views,stored procedure,triggers,functions,indexes?
Sure Pranati..
On Special Request of some of the users kindly check following interview questions related to joins and advanced SQL:
Joins Interview Questions :
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Hi Amit
Thank for all your efforts.
Request you to please share pdf on
Thanks vidushi for your good words!
i want to find an answer for this
1. consider the customer data base given below.
create the above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and the foreign keys
enter appropriate number of tuple(minimum3)for each table.
1.find all customer whose names starts with letter E
2.count the number the number of items ordered in each invoce.
3.display the names of items ordered in invoice number 1001 using subquery.
4.create a simple view with item name and item prices only.
5.sort all item in descending order by their price.
I will check the questions and let you know the detailed level queries
Hi Amit,
Thanks for such informative questions, can u plz provide some more questions and solutions for multiple joins, with clause usage, and more complex queries with more joins.
Sure ..Kindly check your inbox
can you please share sql interview questions to email :
Appreciate your help !
Sure Devmak..Kindly check your inbox..
Hi please send advanced interview sql queries with solutions on my email id
Hi Bhuvesh,
We have sent the SQL queries to your id.
Amit S
Hi Amit,
Can you send me some Complex SQL interview query question to my email id
Sure Chandan..I will send you interview questions today..
Hello Amit,
Thanks for sharing and it’s really helpful.
Can you please share me the complex SQL queries with examples to my mail I’d
Sure Sachin . Kindly check the inbox.
Hi, Can u please send me some more questions on SQL and PL/SQL ?
Sure Pritam. Kindly check your inbox.
Hi Amit,
Can you email( me some complex questions on queries related to subqueries(nested,normal,corelated,inline),joins etc so that i can
practice on them?Try mailing me as many as possible.
Sure vivek ..i sent some links on your mail address. May be that will help u.
We have a funding_transactions table:
id| user_id | timestamp | funding_type | amount
Note: funding_type could be direct_deposit, ach_transfer, cash_deposit, check_deposit
Report the daily total amount of direct_deposit per user for the past 30 days
Identify the id, timestamp, and amount of the first ever cash_deposit for all users, null if never had a cash_deposit
Select id,user_id,timestamp,funding_type,amount from funding_transaction order by timestamp where funding_type=’Cash_deposit’;
Try to use rank function in above query..
Send me the problem in