Categories: SQL Complex Queries

Application Support Engineer Day to day responsibilities

In my previous articles I have given the roles and responsibilities of L1,L2 and L3 Engineers. In this article i would like to throw light on Application Support Engineer Roles and Responsibilities with one or two examples each. This article will give you application support engineer roles and responsibilities and helpful to people who wants to work as application support engineer, technical support engineer. An application support engineer ensures the smooth operations of the software applications as well as troubleshooting issues so that application level stability will be maintained properly. The day to day responsibilities of application support engineer contains 2 types :

  1. Coordination and Communication
  2. Technical Responsibilities

1.Co-Ordination and Communication :

Application support engineer is responsible to have communication with multiple teams involved to resolve the issue.On daily basis he/she needs to be ready to have effective communication with teams involved to support the application.

User Support :

Application support engineers are responsible to provide support to users to troubleshoot the issue and resolve the issue. They are people who provide the guidance to the users using application effectively.

Example :

Lets say Marketing manager requires some report from Customer management module of Siebel which he is not able to generate. Its application support engineers duty to provide him the report generating it through application or SQL.

User Training for new functionality :

Application support engineers are responsible to provide training to the users for newly arriving functionalities.

Example :

Conducting small training session for new user who does not know customer management module of Siebel. ( As per business request)

Communication with multiple teams :

Application Support Engineer is responsible for collaborating and communicating with multiple teams – development,testing ,infrastructure teams for addressing the application related issues on time.

Example :

Working with Infrastructure team to resolve application server slowness issue.

2.Technical Responsibilities

Application support engineer is responsible to provide technical support to resolve application related issues.

Bug Fixing :

Application support engineer is responsible to troubleshoot the issue coming in application and provide the bug fix for the same.

Example :

Investigating the Billing process payment gateway failure for one of the application user and fix that issue

Providing root cause analysis to management

Application support engineer needs to provide RCA details to specified parties to avoid recurring issues.

Incident Management

Application support engineer is responsible to maintain the Incident status properly in incident management tool – JIRA ,Service now, Ralley. Its their day to day responsibility to check the assigned incidents and work on it.

Example :

Application support engineer needs to look in to assigned incident and pick that as per priority

Application Monitoring :

Application support engineer needs to make sure that application functionality is working fine , application server are ok and now slowed down, Application uptime is proper.

Example :

Its day to day duty of application support engineer to monitor application using control M or Wakaru like monitoring tools.

These are some important day to day activities application support engineer needs to perform. You can also check roles are responsibilities of application support engineer video : Application Support Engineer Roles and Responsibilities in English #applicationsupport #support

I hope you like this article . If you like this article or if you think that there are some issues feel free to add the comments in comments section.

Amit S

Oracle Consultant with vast experience in Oracle BI and PL/SQL Development. Amiet is the admin head of this website who contributes by preparing tutorials and articles related to database technologies. He is responsible to manage the content and front-end of the website.

Published by
Amit S

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