Categories: SQL Complex Queries

Benefits of Database Marketing

What are the cornerstones of any successful company? The product to offer, financial investment, careful planning, marketing – there are plenty. However, all these measures will not be efficient if not for the customers, they make every store, e-commerce, or startup work and develop. The loyal client, who keeps choosing your brand over the others, creates a solid and fundamental backbone for the company. When planning long-term goals and strategies for development, it’s crucial to establish ways to analyze the customer’s activities, preferences, and dislikes and collect personal data in order to offer a person-oriented approach.

A high percentage of business owners rely greatly on the power of social media platforms, as they really became a great business-client communication channel, letting you have all the statistics of usage, instant feedback, and other useful tools. However, despite having all the benefits, there are two major drawbacks to consider: search algorithms and the life-span of the platform:

  1. The algorithms exist and no one knows precisely how they work, as you may have thousands of followers, yet not all of them are reached with your posts.
  2. Public love and attention are quite fragile. The platform can be super popular, and then one day lose its strength due to even a careless phrase; another platform will win the battle over the user’s activity, and you will need to start all over again, having lost all the years of work.
  3.  Database marketing approach gives a chance to reach every customer’s need through collecting personal data like name, e-mail address, purchases and transaction history, phone numbers, and other ways of communication.

When you have all the information, you can reach “your” clients at any time and offer the new service or products, not being tied to the success of the platforms or marketplaces.

What are the perks of database marketing?

1. You are the owner of a database

When you have your own database, you will have no matter what, being independent of third-party applications or platforms.

2. More personalization, less spamming

When you have your own database, you will have no matter what, being independent of third-party applications or platforms.

With all the personal data available, it becomes easier to offer relevant goods and services. However, not the whole list of clients is decisive, but the smart grouping, according to the location, preferences, needs, working conditions, etc. This is the way to deliver a clear message to the right clients with a high chance of them buying what you offer, as you hit the spot with your offer. Besides, your offers will not be considered spam, and thus, fewer chances for you to be banned.

3. Direct communication with the customer

Writing the letters or addressing the surveys which are referred by name and have “for you” at the end create direct and personalized communication with the customer. This is the best way to learn what the customer wants, or needs, so that you could offer only the relevant things.

And there’s also a psychological moment – when someone receives a personalized letter, there’s a higher chance to get a reply.

4. Integral vision of the business

When implementing database marketing you can track how all the changes in product and all the steps taken by the company influence activity of the customers; basically, it gives a clear vision of all the processes happening within the company and their influence on each other.

 5. Increased productivity and profit

Targeting the right groups with the right offers will provide a smooth and uninterrupted functioning of the company, which, in its turn, will grow the profit, helping the business grow and develop.

 6. Relatively low costs

Data-based marketing is much more price efficient, as it targets the right people, giving you more chances to turn them into clients, and then into local clients. Therefore, not only will you save your budget, but also replenish it – quite a good deal.

7. Flexibility

Database marketing offers flexibility regarding product development and customer orientation. By being engaged in different platforms, it’s easier to reach more people, changing the style of a message and its design. When creating the visuals for your clients, it’s important to create top-notch images, so that everything you offer is taken as impeccable. The most suitable online tools are vista create, canva,  piktochart, etc.

By considering the client’s reviews, it’s possible to improve and develop the product just by keeping an eye on what the users offer.

When developing business ideas and strategies, it’s vital to place focus on the customer, as he is the basis of the company’s prosperity. Database marketing helps to approach clients with the best offers that fully rely on their desires and needs. As long as everything is personalized, the client will not be bombarded with useless and annoying goods and services, but only with something he wishes for. Such a deep understanding of a client will create strong bonds between the company and its customers, which will grow into long-perspective cooperation.

Amit S

Oracle Consultant with vast experience in Oracle BI and PL/SQL Development. Amiet is the admin head of this website who contributes by preparing tutorials and articles related to database technologies. He is responsible to manage the content and front-end of the website.

Published by
Amit S

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