What is Difference between SQL and MS Access ?

Difference between SQL and MS Access :

In my previous article i have given difference between SQL and PL SQL as well as difference between SQL and TSQL in detail.In this article i would like to give you difference between SQL and MS Access with real life examples.Many people have question in mind is about the exact difference between SQL and MS Access.I want to give examples for the same.I will first give some important bullet points of difference.

Difference between SQL and MS Access bullet-points :

In this section i would like to give you difference between SQL and MS Access bullet-points.

Point 1 :

Microsoft Access also called as MS Access is relational database management system provided by Microsoft.

SQL also stands for Structured Query Language which is database programming language.

Point 2 :

Microsoft Access is full-fledged application which is used for managing the databases.

SQL is not application i.e. database management programming language.

Point 3 :

Microsoft Access database size is 2 GB.

SQL Database can hold up to 500000 TB.

Point 4 :

Microsoft access storesĀ  data in a format specific to Access based on the Access Jet Database Engine.

SQL database is specifically designed for relational database management system or RDBMS.

Point 5 :

MS Access can use filters to fetch the data.

SQL can retrieve the data using select statements.

Point 6 :

MS Access can not handle the heavy database records more than 100000 with 6-7 simultaneous users.

SQL can handle the heavy database records with more than 100+ simultaneous users.

Point 7 :

MS Access can have only 255 concurrent users .

SQL can handle the 32 K concurrent users.

Point 8 :

MS Access have over 32 K objects per database.

SQL databases can have over 2 billion objects.

Point 9 :

SQL databases can be more scalable than MS Access.

Point 10 :

MS Access can be used to resolve the small database related problems and useful in resolving the small data issues.

SQL is used to solve the Huge database related issues.

These are above some important bullet-points of Difference between MS Access and SQL

Difference between SQL and MS Access in tabular Format :

In this section i would like to give you difference between SQL and MS Access in tabular format.

MS Access or Microsoft Access SQL or Structured Query Language
MS Access can have only 255 concurrent users . SQL can handle the 32 K concurrent users.
MS Access can use filters to fetch the data. SQL can retrieve the data using select statements.
Access database size is 2 GB. SQL Database can hold up to 500000 TB.
Access is less scalable than SQL SQL is more Scalable than Access
For Simple database application user can use MS Access For Complex Database Applications user needs to use SQL
TO show the simple relationship between data Access can be used SQL Can be used to show very complex relationship between databases
User can not tune MS Access Database User can tune SQL
MS Access have over 32 K objects per database. SQL databases can have over 2 billion objects
Difference between SQL and MS Access

I hope you like this article and will be useful to you.If you like this article or if you have any suggestions with the same kindly comment in comments section.

Amit S

Oracle Consultant with vast experience in Oracle BI and PL/SQL Development. Amiet is the admin head of this website who contributes by preparing tutorials and articles related to database technologies. He is responsible to manage the content and front-end of the website.

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