In my previous article I have given the details about how to load the data using PLSQL code. In this article I would like to give the default username and password for Oracle with its script location. There are multiple times when User is struggling to get the exact default username and password for oracle after installing the default packages in oracle sql. I personally have faced this kind of issue many times and all usernames and passwords are not handy.
List of default username and password for oracle :
SYS/SYSTEM Username and password :
The key username we require to start after installation of Oracle is Sys user or System user. The role for Sys or System user is administrator role. There are many times the people facing issue finding out the details about SYS user. Make sure that Sys users are key system users which can not be dropped.
SYS user details :
User | Password | Purpose | Script | Can change password? | Can be dropped |
SYS | CHANGE_ON_INSTALL or INTERNAL | Main Oracle data dictionary | SystemPath( Like C://)/rdbms/admin/sql.bsq and various cat*.sql scripts | Yes | No |
SYSTEM | MANAGER | The Key Default User which is Admin | SystemPath( Like C://)/rdbms/admin/sql.bsq | Yes | No |
Some Training Users :
After installation of Oracle we require to use some default users with default data for practicing purpose. Many times dba requires that information and information regarding default username and password for oracle is not handy, The following are some users and its default password.
Username | PASSWORD | Purpose | Script | Can Change Password? | Can be dropped? |
SCOTT ADAMS JONES CLARK BLAKE | TIGER WOOD STEEL CLOTH PAPER | Training/ demonstration users containing the popular EMP and DEPT tables | SystemPath( Like C://)/rdbms/admin/utlsampl.sql | Yes | Yes – Drop users cascade from all production environments |
HR (Human Resources) OE (Order Entry) SH (Sales History) | HR OE SH | Training/ demonstration users containing the popular EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables | SystemPath( Like C://)/demo/schema/mksample.sql | Yes | Yes – Drop users cascade from all production environments |

Other SYS users :
In Oracle we are having the other system users which are also important to do multiple tasks like API work,Dynamic data management or timeseries management. I would like to give the information about other SYS users with its password in following table.
er of default database users or schemas when a new database is created. Below are a few of them:
User | Password | Purpose | Script | Can change password? | Can be dropped |
EXFSYS | User to hold the dictionary, APIs for the Expression Filter | SystemPath( Like C://)/rdbms/admin/exfsys.sql, called from catexf.sql from catrul.sql from catproc.sql | Yes – password given at script execution | Yes – using using catnoexf.sql script | |
TXSYS | CTXSYS | Oracle interMedia (ConText Cartridge) administrator user | SystemPath( Like C://)/ctx/admin/dr0csys.sql | Yes | Yes |
DMSYS | DMSYS | Data Mining user | SystemPath( Like C://)/rdbms/admin/odmcrt.sql, called from dminst.sql | Yes | Yes – drop user cascade |
DSSYS | DSSYS | Oracle Dynamic Services and Syndication Server | SystemPath( Like C://)/ds/sql/dssys_init.sql | Yes | Yes |
LBACSYS | LBACSYS | Label Based Access Control owner when Oracle Label Security (OLS) option is used | SystemPath( Like C://)/rdbms/admin/catlbacs.sql, called from catols.sql | Yes – using catols.sql. of OLS is no more used | |
MDSYS | MDSYS | Oracle Spatial administrator user | SystemPath( Like C://)/ord/admin/ordinst.sql | Yes | Yes |
ORDSYS | ORDSYS | Object Relational Data (ORD) User used by Time Series, etc. | SystemPath( Like C://)/ord/admin/ordinst.sql | Yes | Yes |
TSMSYS | TSMSYS | User for Transparent Session Migration (TSM) for Grid feature | SystemPath( Like C://)/rdbms/admin/cattsm.sql, called from catproc.sql | Yes | Yes – drop user cascade |
Other Important Users with the Password :
In this section I would like to give other important users of the oracle database.
Below are a few of them:
User | Password | Purpose | Script | Can change password? | Can be dropped |
ANONYMOUS | invalid password | Used by the PL/SQL gateway that enables a Web browser to invoke a PL/SQL stored procedure through an HTTP listener. | SystemPath( Like C://)/rdbms/admin/catqm.sql | Yes – drop user if XDB is not used through a Web browser | |
AURORA$ORB $UNAUTHENTICATED | INVALID | Used for users who do not authenticate in Aurora/ORB | SystemPath( Like C://)/javavm/install/init_orb.sql called from ?/javavm/install/initjvm.sql | ||
AWR_STAGE | AWR_STAGE | Used to load data into the AWR from a dump file | SystemPath( Like C://)/rdbms/admin/awrload.sql | Yes | Yes – must be dropped in order to use awrload.sql script |
CSMIG | User for Database Character Set Migration Utility | SystemPath( Like C://)/rdbms/admin/csminst.sql | Password is given at script call | Yes – drop user cascade (user is dropped and recreated by the script each time it is used) | |
DBSNMP | DBSNMP | Oracle Intelligent agent | SystemPath( Like C://)/rdbms/admin/ catsnmp.sql, called from catalog.sql | Yes – put the new password in snmp_rw.ora file | Yes – Only if you do not use the Intelligent Agents |
DEMO | DEMO | User for Oracle Data Browser Demonstration (last version 9.2) | ?/rdbms/admin/demo.sql | Yes | Yes – drop user cascade |
IP | DIP | Generic user account DIP for processing events propagated by DIP. This account would be used by all applications using the DIP provisioning service when connecting to the database | c://PATH /rdbms/admin/catdip.sql, called from catproc.sql | Yes – using “oidprovtool” tool | Yes – using “dbca” if DIP (Directory Integration and Provisioning) is no more used |
These are some most important default username and passwords in oracle. I hope this will helpful to you. If you like this article or if you have any issues with the same kindly comment in comments section.