In my previous articles I have tried to give you the details of Scrum Master tips and techniques with How to pass Professional Scrum Master 1 certification. In this article I would like to throw light on Latest Agile Interview Questions and answers with follow up explanations. Now a days so many people are moving their career from Technical lead and Project Managers to Scrum Masters or Agile Coach. This article will give the clear idea about Latest Agile Interview Questions and answers which I have already faced in many interviews.
Question 1 : What is Agile Framework? (100% asked Latest Agile Interview Questions )
Answer :
The agile methodology is employed in the creation of software. It emphasizes on incremental development techniques, where the goal is to provide the product as rapidly as possible.
Question 2 : What distinguishes agile technique from conventional methodologies?
Answer :
Agile approach uses an incremental development model, whereas traditional methodologies follow a sequential paradigm. This is the primary distinction between agile methodology and other traditional methodologies.
The development and testing phases run concurrently in the agile methodology. According to conventional approach, testing begins once the development process is finished.
Question 3 :Can you give some examples of agile frameworks?(100% asked Latest Agile Interview Questions )
Here are a few examples of agile frameworks:
3.Test Driven Development (TDD)
4.Dyanamic System Development Method ( DSDM)
5.Adaptive Software Development
6.Lean Software Development .
Question 4 : What is mean by Agile Manifesto?
Answer :
A statement supporting agile software development called the agile manifesto was created by 17 like-minded software development professionals and released in February 2001. It is supported by 12 guiding concepts and built on 4 core ideals.
Question 5 : What are four important values of Agile Manifesto?
Answer :
1.Individuals and interactions over processes and tools :People and interactions above procedures and equipment.
2.Working Software over comprehensive documentation: Working software is preferred over thorough documentation.
3.Customer collaboration over contract negotiations: Collaboration with the customer during contract negotiations
4.Responding to Change over following a plan: Adapting to Change rather than sticking to a plan.
Question 6 : Which are most important 12 Principles of Agile manifesto? (100% asked Latest Agile Interview Questions )
Answer :
- Continuous Delivery : Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
- Volatile requirements handling : Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.
- Continuous / Frequent Deployment : Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
- Daily Connects :Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
- Motivated Team : Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need and trust them to get the job done.
- Clear Conversation :The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
- Progress Oriented : Working software is the primary measure of progress.
- Sustainable Development : Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
- Technical excellence : Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
- Maximize the work : Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential.
- Self Organized team : The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
- Connect Regular intervals : At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
Question 7 : What is Test Driven Development with its stepwise process?
Answer :
The answer is that the test cases are written first in the Test-Driven Development (TDD) method of software development, followed by the coding. Test cases are created to verify what the code ought to accomplish.
The fundamental guidelines for the TDD development process are as follows:
1.The system feature is first described in a unit test.
2.Running the test is the next step. Due to the lack of the feature in the system, it will fail.
3.Create the code necessary for the system to support the functionality. The basic concept is to create a straightforward test that will pass the test scenario.
4.Refactor the code where necessary.
For further system features, follow the same procedures as above.
Question 8 : What is mean by DevOps in simple words?
Answer :
DevOps is a collection of principles and techniques that integrate software development (Dev) with information technology operations (IT Ops) (Ops). DevOps combines the efforts of the development and operations teams to produce high-quality, dependable software while shortening the development cycle.
Question 9: How do scrum and agile differ from one another and resemble one another?
Answer :
Software development uses an agile methodology. It emphasizes on incremental development techniques, where the goal is to provide the product as rapidly as possible. While scrum is one of the agile frameworks that is included in agile project management. It is also employed in the creation of software.
Agile completes projects via an incremental and iterative process. Scrum is an iterative and incremental process.
Question 10 : What is Extreme programming with its principles?
Answer :
Extreme programming, sometimes known as XP, is one of the widely used methods for developing agile software. It employs an object-oriented methodology and adheres to the same guidelines as the agile manifesto.
User stories, continuous integration, and test-driven development are just a few of the ideas that extreme programming is credited with bringing. Extreme programming has the ability to accommodate changing requirements at any stage of the development life cycle, which is one of its benefits.
Five Core Principles of Extreme Programming are :
1.Communication :This idea emphasizes prompt and direct communication between all parties (mainly developers and stakeholders).
2.Simplicity :This principle’s fundamental tenet is to keep things straightforward and focus on the immediate aspects first. The code should be written in a way that it may be quickly implemented and changed if necessary.
3.Feedback :There are three places where feedback is gathered. Unit testing is a method for gathering system feedback. Customer feedback is gathered through acceptance testing, while feedback from the other software team members is gathered through the planning game.
4.Courage :
This approach focuses primarily on the now and emphasizes the bravery needed to design for current features. A team that practices agile development should also have the guts to admit that needs may change in the future and will need to be incorporated into the code.
5.Respect: This guiding principle emphasizes respect for oneself, respect for others, and respect for other team members.

Question 11 :What do you mean by refactoring?
Answer :
Refactoring is the process of making changes to existing source code without affecting how it works.
Question 12 :What is pair programming with its advantages?
Answer :
Pair programming is an agile software development methodology in which two developers work together as a team. Of the two developers, one writes the code, called the driver, and she reviews the code, called the observer. You can switch roles as needed.
Advantages of Pair Programming :
Better Code Quality :Pair programming results in better code quality and fewer code bugs. This is because other developers are constantly checking the code as they write it.
Solution Oriented : Pair programming makes it easy to find solutions to problems that arise while coding. This is because other partners will help you. If one of the partners is more experienced, they can teach other developers, making it easier to transfer knowledge.
Question 13 :What are different Agile estimation techniques and explain any 1 Agile Estimation techniques with example? (100% asked Latest Agile Interview Questions )
Answer :
- Planning Poker
- T-shirt sizes
- Affinity Estimation
- Sorting Method
- The Bucket System
- Three-Point Method
- Dot Vote
About Planning Poker step by step :
Planning poker is an estimation technique that involves collaboration between team members. With the developer’s help, it runs before the iteration starts.
Step 1 :
Each member receives a deck of planning poker cards. Card values are similar to Fibonacci numbers. The number represent story points/ estimated days.
Step 2 :
Product owners read user stories and explain them to the team. Developers are available for further discussion if you have any questions.
Step 3 :
After discussion, each member estimates the effort required to develop the story and personally chooses a card to represent that effort.
Step 4 :
If all cards are revealed at the same time and all are equal, the story is inferred based on the value of the cards. If the cards have different values, continue discussing until all team her members agree on the same number.
Question 14 :Explain Tshirt Sizing technique with steps?
Answer :
T-shirt sizing is an estimating technique used to measure the size of user stories, and is primarily used when relatively large backlog items need to be estimated.
T-shirt sizing uses your t-shirt size (XS, S, M, L, XL) to extrapolate your story.
Determining sizing requires open discussion and decide size of the story.
Question 15 : What is mean by Lean Software Development?
Answer :
1.Lean software development is an iterative, agile methodology that borrows the principles of the lean manufacturing process and implements them in the software development process.
2.Lean principles adopted include fast delivery, elimination of waste, optimization of development time and resources, and building product quality.
Question 16 : What do you mean by Kanban?
Answer :
Like Scrum, Kanban is one of the popular frameworks for Agile software development. Kanban is a Japanese symbol. In this framework, work items or user stories are displayed on a Kanban board and the team can see the status of each user story on the board. Kanban allows you to develop your product in one big development cycle instead of iterating (like Scrum). Kanban is incremental, not iterative.
Question 17 : What do you mean by ScrumBan?
Answer :
1.Scrumban is an agile development methodology that combines Scrum and Kanban.
2.Scrumban is primarily used for maintenance projects that use Kanban principles to improve the Scrum process. It helps project teams optimize their processes.
3.The scrum part of scrumban is determining the scope of work that can be completed in the sprint and prioritizing tasks.
4. The Kanban part of Scrumban is used to improve processes and visualize workflows. Scrumban uses the Kanban pull system. Items are continuously pulled from the backlog.
Question 18 : What is difference between Iterative development and Incremental Development?
Iterative Development :Software is developed and delivered to customers through an iterative development process. As customer feedback is received, it is incorporated into the software, redeveloped in sprints, and delivered to the customer.
Incremental Development:In the incremental development process, software is developed in stages. Each increment contains the complete functionality of several sub-features of the system.
Question 19 : What is mean by Agile Testing with its methods?
Answer :
Agile testing is a software testing process that follows the principles of agile software development. Agile development process is an iterative process where requirements are constantly changing according to customer needs. Agile testing is a continuous process that runs concurrently with the development process. Agile testing involves continuously testing a system until the desired software quality is achieved.
Methods of Agile testing :
- BDD Meaning “Behavior Driven Development”
- ATDD Meaning “Acceptance Test-Driven Development “
- Exploratory Testing
- Session-Based Testing
Question 20 : What are Advantages and Disadvantages of Agile Framework?
Answer :
Every coin has two sides. So there are few advantages and disadvantages of Agile framework :
Advantages :
1.The Agile model facilitates rapid and continuous delivery of software.
2.The Agile model is a flexible model, which helps you respond to changes proposed by your customers.
3.Agile processes involve high-level interactions between various team members to help quickly identify problems in the development process.
4.The Agile model helps customers incrementally software because it is fast to deliver and they deliver a product that works with each increment.
5.Customers can review the product before and after each increment, giving them peace of mind that the development process is on track.
Disadvantages :
1.Because requirements change frequently, developers may not be able to fully quantify the effort involved in the development process.
2. Agile methods put less emphasis on documents that could cause problems down the road, especially for new project members.
3.Continued involvement from the client team is expected. This requires the client team to be able to join the meeting.
4.If the customer team cannot articulate the end result of the system, the project may derail. Agile development processes require experienced developers who have the skills to develop systems and who can make quick and critical decisions during the process.
5. Continuous interaction is expected from each team member, increasing the team’s investment of time and energy.
I hope you like this article on Latest Agile Interview questions and Answers. If you like this article or if you have any concerns with the same kindly comment it in comments section.
Author : Amit Anil Shiravadekar ; Agile enthusiast with 10 year of experience in scrum master and agile