In my previous articles I have given the detailed level information of all the important ITIL practices. In this article i would like to give you all important points for 15 ITIL practices which are required for exam purpose with multiple keywords to remember. The article will contain important definitions and purpose statements for ITIL v4 foundation examination.The article will give you information about the important ITIL practices for foundation certification exam.

Important ITIL practices for Foundation Certification :
In this section i would like to give the multiple practices important points by considering the ITIL v4 foundation examination.
Practice 1 : Change Management / Change Control Management
Definition of Change : Change is any addition, modification or removal of anything that could have a direct or indirect effect on services.
Keywords to remember : addition, modification or removal
Purpose statement :
The purpose of Change Control is to maximize the number of successful IT changes by ensuring that risks have been properly assessed, authorizing changes to proceed and managing a change schedule.
Keywords to remember : maximize the number of successful IT changes by ensuring that risks
You can get more information about change management practice :
Practice 2 : Incident Management :
Definition of Incident :
An Incident is an unplanned interruption or a reduction in the quality of service. Potential disruption/Potential reduction of quality of services.
Keywords to remember :
unplanned interruption or a reduction in the quality of service.
Purpose Statement for Incident Management :
The purpose of Incident Management is to minimize the negative impact of incidents by restoring normal service operations as quickly as possible.
Keywords to remember :
minimize the negative impact, restoring normal service.
You can get more information about incident management :
Practice 3 : Problem Management
Definition of Problem :
A Cause or a potential cause of one or more incidents.
Keywords to remember :
A Cause or a potential cause
Purpose Statement for Problem Management :
The Purpose of Problem Management is to reduce the likelihood and impact of incidents by identifying actual and potential causes of incidents and managing workarounds and known errors.
Keywords to remember :
reduce the likelihood, impact of incidents, potential causes of incidents and managing workarounds and known errors.
You will get more information about problem management here :
Practice 4 : Service Desk Management :
Service Desk : It is a single point of contact/communication between customer and service provider.
Purpose Statement for service desk :
The purpose of the service desk practice is to capture demand for incident resolution and service requests. It should also be the point of communication for the service provider with all its users.
Keywords to remember :
demand for incident resolution and service requests, single point of communication.
Practice 5 : Service Request Management
Service Request Definition :
A service request is a request from a user or user’s authorized representative that initiates a service action that has been agreed as a normal part of service delivery.
Keywords to remember :
a request from user , service action initiation
Purpose statement of Service request management :
The purpose of the service request management practice is to support the agreed quality of a service by handling all pre-defined, user-initiated service requests in an effective and user-friendly manner.
Keywords to remember :
pre-defined, user-initiated service requests
Practice 6 : Continual Improvement Management
Purpose statement :
The purpose of Continual Improvement is to continuously align with the changing business needs.
Keywords to remember :
continuously align with the changing business needs.
*** Kindly check Continual improvement model in detail for exam preparation
You will get more information here :
Practice 7 :IT security Management
Purpose Statement :
To protect the information needed by the organization
Keywords to remember :
To protect information
You will get more information here :
Practice 8 : Relationship Management
Purpose Statement of Relationship management :
The purpose of Relationship Management is to establish and nurture the links between the organization and its stakeholders at strategic and tactical levels.
Keywords to remember :
establish and nurture the links between the organization and its stakeholders.
You will get more information here :
Practice 9 : Supplier Management
Purpose Statement :
The purpose of the Supplier Management practice is to ensure that the Organization’s suppliers and their performance are managed appropriately to support the provision of seamless, quality product and services.
Keywords to remember:
Supplier and their performance,seamless,quality product and services
You will get more information here :
Practice 10 : Availability Management
Definition Of Availability :
Availability is the ability of an IT service or other configuration item to perform its agreed function when required.
Keywords to remember :
ability, perform its agreed function
Purpose Statement of Availability Management :
The purpose of the Availability Management practice is to ensure that services deliver agreed levels of availability to meet the needs of the customers and users.
Keywords to remember:
to ensure that services deliver agreed levels of availability
You will get more information here:
Practice 11 : Capacity and Performance management
Purpose statement for Capacity management :
To ensure that services achieve agreed and expected performance, satisfying current & Future demand in a cost-effective manner.
Keywords to remember :
agreed and expected performance, cost-effective manner
Practice 12 : Monitoring and Event Management
Definition of Event :
An event can be defined as any change of state that has a significance for management of a configuration item (CI) or IT service.
Keywords to remeber:
Change in state
Purpose Statement of Event Management :
To Systematically observe service and service components and record and report selected changes of state identified as events.
Keywords to remember :
observe service and service components
Practice 13 :Release Management
Definition of Release :
A version of a service or other configuration item or a collection of configuration items that is available for use.
Keywords to remember:
A version of a service
Purpose statement of Release management :
The purpose of Release Management is to make new and changed services & features available for use.
Keywords to remember :
new and changed services & features
Practice 14 : Deployment Management :
Purpose Statement :
To move new or changed hardware, software, documentation, processes or any other component to live environments. It may also involve in deploying components to other environments for testing and staging.
Types of Deployments :
Big Bang – All at once
Phased – One group or team at a time
Push – Pushed to the users
Pull – Optional
Practice 15 : IT asset Management
IT Asset Definition:
Any valuable component that can contribute to the delivery of an IT Service.
Purpose statement of IT asset management:
The purpose of IT Asset Management practice is to plan and manage the full lifecycle of IT Assets.
Practice 16 : Service Configuration Management
Configuration Item ( CI definition) :
Any component that needs to be managed in order to deliver an IT Service
Purpose statement of Service Configuration Management :
To ensure that accurate and reliable information about the configuration of services and the CIs that support them is available when and where it is needed.
Keywords to remember :
accurate and reliable information about the configuration of services
Practice 17 : Service Continuity Management /Disaster Management
Definition of Disaster :
A sudden unplanned event that causes great damage or serious loss to an organization.
Purpose Statement of Disaster management :
The purpose of Service Continuity Management practice is to ensure that the availability and performance of a service are maintained at a sufficient level in the event of a disaster.
Practice 18 : Service Level Management
Definition of Service Level Agreement :
SLA is a documented agreement between a service provider and a customer that identifies services required and the expected level of service.
Purpose Statement of Service Level Management:
The purpose of Service Level Management practice is to set clear business based targets for service performance so that the delivery of a service can be properly assessed, monitored and managed against these targets.
These are above most important ITIL practices for foundation certification examination. I hope you like this article. If you like this article or if you have any concerns with the same kindly comment in comments section.